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The Largest Deer in the World

Most of you read this title and envisioned a high 200 class whitetail with massive, twisted antlers. Sorry Charlie, thats not the deer we are talking about today. We are instead discussing the largest deer species in the world, the Moose. Here at both Henderson's Hunting Camps and Tomah Mountain Outfitters we take clients on a lottery winning hunt (literally once in a lifetime chance) for moose. These massive beasts have 50" wide spread with antlers weighing over 30 pounds a piece! This combined with their 800-1000 pound body weight make them one of the most dangerous species to hunt during the rut. Their eyesight is poor which leads them to charge any object they think is infringing on their breeding territory cars, buildings, trees, and even people are at the mercy of the bulldozer of the woods. We have had many successful moose hunters over the years and take pride in our moose guiding. If you are looking for the hunt of a life time apply through Maine Fish and Wildlife or New Brunswick Natural Resources. We hope to see you soon.

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